Body | Treatments

Women's intimate health


Until recently, few options were available to women concerned with addressing female issues arising from aging. Now, thanks to new technology that gently deploys radiofrequency energy, women have a wider range of means to tackle their female health problems. Whether it is to treat vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse and stress urinary incontinence, or to improve the appearance of private parts and provide better vaginal firming, CLINICARE has the solution for you. .

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Women’s intimate health


Votiva (Plus 90)


The Votiva uses radiofrequency technology that helps promote female health. This energy deploys a soft and controlled heat in the tissues of the private parts which activates the blood circulation and stimulates the muscles. It is a safe and effective treatment for the health and well-being of women that provides relief for several medical and aesthetic conditions.


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Votiva treatment is used to treat several female conditions including stress urinary incontinence, pelvic floor muscle stimulation, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse and genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). It is also intended as an alternative to surgery (labioplasty) for women who are bothered by the appearance of the labia majora and labia minora.


Effective, simple and painless, Votiva treatment is carried out in complete comfort by passing a radiofrequency probe through the private parts (interior and / or exterior depending on the problem). You will only feel a slight sensation of heat during the treatment. Depending on the intensity of the treatment, there is little or no recovery period.


An average of two to three sessions is usually required for ideal results, depending on your treatment plan established with the doctor. However, the difference is usually noticeable after the first session. The Votiva allows you to obtain immediate results following the treatment, which will improve over the weeks and months that follow, helping to obtain sustained results.


Before / After


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Votiva (Plus 90) treatment

* Photos are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Votiva (Plus 90) treatment

* Photos are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Votiva (Plus 90) treatment

* Photos are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.
Reviews from our patients


  • J’étais nerveuse à l’idée de commencer mes traitements d’injections, mais Dr Abou Kheir a été très patient et s’est assuré que je comprenne bien tout ce qu’il faisait. Son équipe et lui m’ont mis à l’aise dès le début. J’ai extrêmement confiance en lui, et je suis très contente des résultats naturels. Je le recommande sans hésitations!
    – Jeanne

    Je le recommande à tout mon entourage non seulement pour son professionnalisme et sa gentillesse mais surtout pour sa disponibilité à répondre à vos questions sans vous faire sentir “un numéro” chose qui se voit beaucoup dans ce domaine.
    – Ève

    Dr Joseph is the only one I trust with my face! He’s such a wonderful and skilled professional, on top of that his values translate into his work and will make you feel totally in good hands.
    – Valerye

  • Excellent service du début à la fin! Très professionnel et efficace, mais aussi un côté humain très développé.
    – Jean

    J’ai rencontré Dr Abou Kheir pour le traitement de mes cernes. Le résultat a dépassé mes attentes, et de loin! Il a pris le temps de m’écouter, et m’a fait un plan de traitement personnalisé, en me montrant bien quels étaient les éléments à prioriser sur mon visage. Il est très honnête, humain et extrêmement attentionné. Merci encore!
    – Sophie

    I am so happy to have found Dr. Abou Kheir. I do my botox and lip fillers with him, and the results are so natural, I love it!! He is so meticulous! Thank you so much!!
    – Steph

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